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    Guangzhou Packaging Industry Exhibition
    1. [ Date:2017-10-17 Views:7029 ]
    Welcome new and old customers to visit the booth at Guangzhou China Packaging Industry Exhibition. Pavilion: Area A 2.1 Gallery: G25
    << [Previous]:中国南宁东盟博览会9.12-9.15 || [Next]:Guangzhou Packaging Industry Exhibition >>
    Dongguan City, China Special Intelligent Packaging Equipment Limited Address: No. 1 Industrial Area, Village Tail, Hengping, Dongguan, China
    Tel: 0769-82320689 Fax: 0769-82320680
    E-mail: zhontpack@163.comhttp://www.zhontpack.com http://www.fsids39.com  [ Manage ]

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