
Service hotline:400-870-8388
Language:中文 | ENGLISH
Scope of application
  • Automatic sealing tape machine ZT-5050FD + ZT508D
     combines automatic sealing machine and automatic pendulum machine to achieve automation and save labor costs. The two-machine integrated design provides continuous luggage integrated automatic operation electronic control connection with quick connector disassembly speed sealing machine, and the charter can also use 60 seconds of power saving self-stop device 2 sets of sensors (2 bundles)
  • Automatic sealing tape machine ZT-5050FD + ZT508D
     combines automatic sealing machine and automatic pendulum machine to achieve automation and save labor costs. The two-machine integrated design provides continuous luggage integrated automatic operation electronic control connection with quick connector disassembly speed sealing machine, and the charter can also use 60 seconds of power saving self-stop device 2 sets of sensors (2 bundles)
Dongguan City, China Special Intelligent Packaging Equipment Limited Address: No. 1 Industrial Area, Village Tail, Hengping, Dongguan, China
Tel: 0769-82320689 Fax: 0769-82320680
E-mail: zhontpack@163.comhttp://www.zhontpack.com http://www.fsids39.com  [ Manage ]

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